The contractual relationship between the client and Krone*** is regulated and specified by the General Terms and Conditions /hereinafter referred to as GTC/. By ordering services in our guest house, you accept the stated General Terms and Conditions.
Accommodation of clients (accommodation orderers) is governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic, on the basis of Slovak law, the operating procedure and these General Terms and Conditions. The accommodated guest accepts the GTC as a contractual condition of accommodation and is obliged to comply with its provisions. The guest is obliged to familiarize himself with these GTC properly, his ignorance will not be taken into account. The General Terms and Conditions are, among other things, published at the reception of Pension Krone (hereinafter referred to as pension).

I. General business conditions
1. These terms and conditions apply to contracts for accommodation, rental of hotel rooms, conference and restaurant rooms and guest house rooms for events and for the performance of events for rent, as well as other services. Other commercial and contractual terms and conditions for the guest shall apply only if they have been expressly agreed in advance in writing by the contracting parties.
2. The accommodation contract is created when the guest house accepts the guest’s order. It depends on the free will of the boarding house whether to confirm the order (reservation) in writing.
3. The contracting parties are the boarding house and the guest. In the case of an order by a third party, this person is jointly and severally liable to the guest house for all obligations arising from the contract.
4. Any sublease or further lease of rooms as well as their use for purposes other than accommodation or for purposes other than those agreed in the accommodation contract, require the prior written consent of the boarding house.

II. Conditions and method of accommodation
1. The boarding house can only accommodate a guest who is properly registered for accommodation. The guest registers at the guesthouse reception immediately upon arrival. To check in, the guest is obliged to present his identification card, passport, or other valid identity document in accordance with Act no. 253/1998 Coll. on reporting the residence of SR citizens and on the register of SR residents, as amended, Act no. 404/2011 Coll. on the residence of foreigners, Act no. 582/2004 Coll. on local taxes and the local fee for municipal waste and small construction waste as amended and pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27 of April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC and in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Z. z. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws.
2. Every guest who is not a citizen of the SR (foreigner) is obliged pursuant to Act no. 404/2011 Coll. on the stay of foreigners as amended by later legislation, to fill out and hand over to the reception the official form on the report of stay presented to the guest upon arrival by the boarding house staff, while the guest is obliged to provide all the required data truthfully and completely.
3. In exceptional cases, the guest house can offer the guest accommodation other than what was agreed upon, unless it differs significantly from the confirmed order.
4. Unless there is an agreement to the contrary, reserved rooms are available to the guest from 2:00 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival, no later than 8:00 p.m. The guest has no right to the earlier arrival of the reserved room.
5. The guest vacates the room (check out) and signs off his stay at the boarding house reception no later than 10:00 a.m., unless otherwise individually agreed in advance and confirmed in writing. In case of late vacating the room, the guesthouse will charge a fee of €20 / hour / room (late check out) from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. After 13:00, the guesthouse will charge 100% of the room price. Early accommodation of guests between 12:00 and 14:00 is possible at a price of €20 for each hour of early accommodation. The room is considered vacated after the guest has taken all his belongings out of the room, handed over the keys at the reception and notified the authorized employee of the guesthouse that he has checked out of the accommodation (so-called check out). The guesthouse reserves the right to check the room inventory, payment and consumption of the guest, within 15 minutes of the guest vacating the room at the latest.
6. The guest house may use the reserved room in which the guest moved in by 8:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. This does not apply if a later arrival has been agreed in writing.
7. If the guest requests an extension of the stay, the boarding house can offer him a different room in a different price range than the one in which he was originally accommodated. In such a case, the guest is not entitled to accommodation in the room in which he was originally accommodated, nor to accommodation in another room of the boarding house, unless this is not possible due to capacity or operational reasons of the boarding house.

III. Payment for provided accommodation
1. The price list of services for temporary accommodation and other services can be viewed at the boarding house reception or on the boarding house’s website (
2. The guest house is entitled to request an advance payment of up to 100% of the accommodation price from the guest when booking. In the case of an accommodation reservation, this is binding for the boarding house until the day of payment of the advance payment to the boarding house’s account, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
3. The guest is obliged to pay the agreed contractual prices for accommodation and other services used by him according to the price list of the boarding house. This also applies to the pension’s services and expenses towards third parties, which were caused by the guest. The guest is obliged to pay the price for the accommodation and all services provided to the guest house no later than on the day of the end of the stay, based on the submitted bill for accommodation and services or based on the submitted invoice together with the bill of advances received from the guest.
4. If the guest shortens the agreed stay in the boarding house, the boarding house has the right to charge the guest the full amount of the agreed price for the entire duration of the ordered stay.
5. The agreed prices include the price of accommodation, service charge and applicable value added tax. If the period between the conclusion and execution of the contract exceeds 4 months and the price charged by pensions in general for such services increases, the pension can increase the contractually agreed price appropriately, but not more than by ten percent. The prices can be further changed by the guesthouse when the guest additionally wants changes in the number of reserved rooms, guesthouse services or the length of stay and the guesthouse agrees.
6. If the price for the services provided exceeds the amount of EUR 500, the guest is obliged to immediately pay the price for the services provided so far upon request from the reception.
7. The guest house is entitled to bill the incurred receivables to the guest as payable and to demand immediate payment. In case of late payment, the boarding house is entitled to demand interest on the delay. The guesthouse is entitled to issue an invoice with a maturity of a maximum of 30 days from the date of issue.
8. The guest is not entitled to set off any payable and/or non-payable monetary claim against the pension’s claim without the pension’s written consent.

IV. Responsibility of the guesthouse and the guest
1. The boarding house is not responsible for damage to things brought and left by guests in the boarding house. The guesthouse is not responsible for jewelry, money and other valuables. The boarding house is not responsible for forgotten and lost things in the premises of the boarding house. The guesthouse is not responsible for any damage caused to the guest outside the guesthouse premises.
2. The guest house will claim the claim, or part of it, from the guest’s withheld funds.
3. The guest house’s common rooms (café, outdoor terrace, restaurant) are available for receiving visitors. In the room, the guest cannot receive visitors who have not been properly registered in the Book of accommodated guests as accommodated guests.
4. In case of illness or injury of the guest, the boarding house will provide medical assistance or transport to the hospital.
5. In the room or in the social areas of the boarding house, the guest may not move the equipment, make adjustments or interfere with the electrical network or other installations without the permission of the boarding house management. In case of violation of this provision, the boarding house is entitled to charge a fee of €100.
6. In the premises of the boarding house, and especially in the room, the guest may not use his own electrical appliances. In case of violation of this provision, the boarding house is entitled to charge a fee of €100.
7. Before leaving the guesthouse, the guest is obliged to turn off the light in the room and the room accessories, close the water taps, close the door and hand over the key to the reception.
8. For safety reasons, it is not advisable to leave children under 10 without adult supervision either in the room or in other social areas of the boarding house. The guesthouse is not responsible for any injuries that may occur.
9. For security reasons, the guest is not authorized to carry a weapon and ammunition in the premises of the boarding house, or to otherwise store the weapon and ammunition in a condition that allows their immediate use.
10. The guest may not bring bicycles, scooters, roller skates, skis, snowboards, sleds and animals into the room or other areas not intended for this purpose.
11. From 10 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. the guest must observe the night’s silence.
12. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the entire guesthouse. Smoking is allowed only on outdoor terraces in a designated place. If the fire protection system is activated as a result of the violation of the smoking ban, the guesthouse will charge a contractual fine of €300. It is strictly forbidden to use any narcotic and psychotropic substances in the boarding house.
13. The arrival of a guest with an animal is not allowed. The boarding house can grant an exception, but it must be agreed with the boarding house in advance. The boarding house charges an additional fee of €20/day for a small breed dog up to 10 kg. Arrival with a dog over 10 kg is not possible. Feed is not included in the price of the supplement.
14. If the guest uses a parking space in the boarding house’s internal parking lot, the boarding house is not responsible for loss or damage to motor vehicles and things in them. A fee of €7/car/day is charged for providing a parking space in the pension’s internal parking lot.
15. The guesthouse is not liable for injuries during leisure programs of any kind, unless the guesthouse acted with gross negligence or willful intent. The boarding house is not responsible for any accidents. The person with whom the child is registered to stay is responsible for the child.
16. Found things are sent to the guest only based on his written request. Found things are stored in the boarding house for a maximum of 1 month.
17. For damage caused to the equipment or the guest is responsible for the inventory of the guest house according to the applicable legal regulations. In the event of damage or destruction of the property of the boarding house, the boarding house is entitled to compensation for the damage in the value of the destroyed inventory.
18. In the case of damage caused by the guest to the property of the boarding house, the guest is obliged to pay compensation for the incurred damage at the latest on the day of the end of the stay in the boarding house when billing for accommodation and services, or on the basis of an invoice. In the event that the guest refuses to pay the incurred damage, the boarding house is entitled to charge the guest a contractual penalty of 0.1% per day of the amount due for each day of delay. Payment of the contractual fine does not affect the boarding house’s right to compensation for the damage caused.
19. Complaints from guests and possible suggestions for improving the operation of the boarding house are accepted by the reception staff, respectively. boarding house management.
20. Complaints are handled according to the Complaints Procedure published at the guesthouse reception.

V. Withdrawal, order cancellation, cancellation
1. If a deadline for free withdrawal from the contract has been agreed upon in writing between the guesthouse and the guest, the guest can withdraw from the contract until that time without triggering payment claims or claims for damage to the guesthouse. The guest’s right to withdraw expires if he does not use his right to withdraw in writing to the guesthouse before the agreed date.
2. Cancellation conditions for cancellation of the stay by the guest:
1. The guesthouse applies the following cancellation conditions and cancellation fees in case of cancellation of ordered and confirmed services:
a) 1-5 days (inclusive) before the start of the stay, the cancellation fee is 100% of the price of the ordered services, b) 6-10 days (inclusive) before the start of the stay, the cancellation fee is 70% of the price of the ordered services, c) 11-15 days (inclusive) before the start of the stay, the cancellation fee is 50% of the ordered services,
b) 16-20 days (inclusive) before the start of the stay, the cancellation fee is 30% of the ordered services,
c) more than 21 days before the start of the stay, the ordered services can be canceled without a cancellation fee.
2. The guesthouse accepts a 10% tolerance from the number of persons ordered.
3. In the event of a significant reduction in the actual number of persons compared to the ordered number of persons, the guesthouse reserves the right to re-evaluate the amount of discounts provided.
4. Despite the aforementioned cancellation conditions, the guest house will always assess the cancellation conditions individually for each event in order to provide more favorable conditions for the guest.
5. If the agreed or requested payment is not made in advance even after the expiration of a reasonable additional period set by the boarding house, the boarding house is also entitled to withdraw from the contract.
6. Furthermore, the boarding house is entitled to withdraw from the contract in particular in cases where: force majeure or other circumstances for which the boarding house is not responsible make the fulfillment of the contract impossible; the rooms were reserved for providing misleading or incorrect data of essential facts, e.g. in the person of the guest or the purpose; the boarding house has a justified reason to believe that the use of its services could threaten the smooth operation of the business, the safety or respectability of the boarding house in public, without this being attributed to the owners or organization. In case of withdrawal from the contract by the guesthouse, the guest is not entitled to compensation for damages.

VI. Events
1. The event organizer/customer must reserve the date of the event by paying a pre-agreed advance payment (but not more than 50% of the price offer). In case of withdrawal by the ordering party, the ordering party has no right to its return.
2. The event organizer/customer must notify the guest house of the final number of participants no later than five working days before the date of the event, so that careful preparation can be ensured.
3. When billing, the boarding house will recognize a reduction in the number of participants by a maximum of ten percent. For deviations going beyond this, the basis is the originally reported number of applicants minus ten percent.
4. If the number of participants deviates upwards, the basis of billing is the actual number of participants. Exceedings of more than ten percent must be previously agreed with the guesthouse.
5. In case of deviations in the number of participants by more than ten percent, the boarding house is entitled to re-determine the agreed price as well as to exchange the confirmed rooms, with the exception that this would be an unreasonable request to the event organizer.
6. For events that last longer than the opening hours of the boarding house’s catering services, the boarding house may charge a service fee based on individual confirmations, unless the agreed remuneration no longer takes into account a duration longer than the opening hours.
7. The organizer of the event is generally not authorized to bring food and/or drinks to the events. Exceptions require a prior written agreement with the guesthouse. In these cases, a service fee and storage and uncorking fee are charged in accordance with the valid price list.
8. The event organizer and the customer are responsible for the payment of additional food and drinks ordered by the event participants.
9. The event organizer/customer is obliged to notify the boarding house without prompting if the performance of the service and/or the event, based on its content or nature, is capable of generating public interest and/or restricting or endangering the interests of the boarding house.
10. Advertisements in newspapers as well as other measures or publications, especially invitations to admission interviews, political or religious events and sales events, which show a relationship with the boarding house, require the essential prior written consent of the boarding house.
11. All photos published on the guesthouse’s website are protected by copyright law and any use is subject to the author’s written consent. Users of the website may not change, copy, display, publish, reproduce, publicly distribute, sell, rent, or lend the published photos without the written consent of the author. In no case is the guesthouse liable for any indirect, incidental, incidental damages, including lost profits caused by the use, distribution, or any other handling of published photos without the consent of the author.
12. If the guest house procures technical and other equipment from third parties for the organizer of the event on his initiative, he acts in the name, with full power and on behalf of the organizer of the event. The organizer of the event releases the boarding house from all claims of third parties from leaving this facility.
13. The use of the event organizer’s own electrical equipment when using the guest house’s electrical network requires his written consent from a load above 1000 W. Any malfunctions or damage to the technical equipment of the guest house caused by the use of these devices are for the account of the event organizer, unless the guest house caused them.
14. The decorative material brought must meet the legal fire requirements. The guesthouse is entitled to require official confirmation for this. Due to possible damages, the installation and placement of objects must be agreed with the guesthouse in advance.
15. Brought exhibition and other items must be removed immediately by the event organizer after the end of the event. If the event organizer neglects this and the objects remain in the event room, the boarding house may charge rent for the room for the duration of the objects’ stay. The guesthouse is also entitled to carry out removal and storage at the expense of the event organizer without creating a custody or safekeeping contract. The organizer of the event is obliged to pay the pension for the damage caused by the accumulation of objects left behind.

VII. Final provisions
1. The place of fulfillment and payment is the boarding house: Prostredná 160/38, 90021 Svätý Jur.
2. If individual provisions of these GTC are or become ineffective or invalid, this does not affect the effectiveness of the other provisions.
3. Changes or additions to the contract, acceptance of the request or business conditions require a written form for their effectiveness and will only be effective when the boarding house confirms them in writing. Unilateral changes or additions by the guest are ineffective.
4. With his signature, the guest agrees to the management, processing and storage of his personal data for the needs of Pension Krone***, Prostredná 160/38, 90021 Svätý Jur, Operator: BOMADA s.r.o., Prostredná 160/38, 90021 Svätý Jur, Company ID: 48276910. The provision of personal data is voluntary and without consequences, with the fact that these data may be processed for the marketing purposes of the boarding house in accordance with Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws and Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27. of April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC and in accordance with the Declaration on the Processing of Personal Data.
5. The guest is obliged to comply with the provisions of these accommodation rules. In the event that it grossly violates its obligations or good morals, the boarding house has the right to withdraw from the service contract before the agreed time has expired. With his signature, the guest confirms that he has familiarized himself with the accommodation rules, the price list of the boarding house and the conditions of accommodation in the boarding house.

The general terms and conditions of Pension Krone*** are valid from 01.01.2023

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